task_name instruction pred gt is_correct trajectory
0 message_decoder/full_alien_message_decoding Decode an alien message encoded as follows: first, it's encoded in ASCII; then, it's reversed; and finally, a Caesar cipher with a shift of 5 is applied. The message is '7a686b7a686d666d686b'.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
fchahcufcu fchahcufcu True trajectory
1 message_decoder/shortest_caesar_decoded_message Given a list of hex-encoded strings, decode each one from hex to ASCII, reverse it, and then apply a Caesar cipher decode with a shift of 4. Find the length of the shortest decoded message. The list of hex strings is ['636261', '686766', '6365646362', '6867666865'].
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
3 3 True trajectory
2 message_decoder/longest_decoded_string Decode a list of messages each going through a series of transformations: first from hex to ASCII, then reversed, and finally a Caesar cipher decode with shifts of 2, 3, and 5 respectively. Find the longest message after decoding. The hex-encoded messages are ['4a656d', '4b6867', '4c696f'].
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
cuZ 3 False trajectory
3 message_decoder/specific_decoded_character Given a hex-encoded string '576562546563686e6f6c6f6779', decode it to ASCII, reverse it, apply a Caesar cipher decode with a shift of 7.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
rzhehgavxMuxP rzhehgavxMuxP True trajectory
4 message_decoder/hex_caesar_combined_decoding Decode a message that was first converted to hexadecimal, then encoded with a Caesar cipher with a shift of 2. The hex-encoded, Caesar-shifted message is '4d4f5252'.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
KMPP KMPP True trajectory
5 message_decoder/multi_step_decoding_challenge Decode a message that went through three steps: first, a Caesar cipher with a shift of 3; then reversed; and finally, encoded to hexadecimal. The final hex-encoded message is '726f77746e6153794d'.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
JvPxkqtlo JvPxkqtlo True trajectory
6 message_decoder/length_based_decoding_puzzle Given three hex-encoded messages, decode each one using the Caesar cipher with a shift of 6. Find the message that has a length equal to 5 after decoding. The hex-encoded messages are ['646566', '6a6b6c6d', '68696a6b6c'].
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
bcdef bcdef True trajectory
7 message_decoder/maximum_value_decoding Decode a list of hex-encoded messages using a Caesar cipher with a shift of 4, reverse them, and find the numerical maximum value of these decoded strings. Assume the decoded strings represent integers. The hex-encoded messages are ['313233', '343536', '373839'].
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
987 987 True trajectory
8 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/find_most_common_nucleotide_and_transcribe Find the most common nucleotide in the DNA sequence 'AGCTAGCCGATGCA' and transcribe that nucleotide (repeated three times) to mRNA.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
UUU UUU True trajectory
9 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/validate_transcribe_translate Check if the DNA sequence 'AGCTTX' is valid, and if so, transcribe it to mRNA and translate that to an amino acid sequence. Otherwise, answer 'Invalid DNA sequence'.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Invalid DNA sequence Invalid DNA sequence True trajectory
10 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/reverse_transcribe_count_max_nucleotide For the mRNA sequence 'AUGCUUUUC', reverse transcribe it to DNA, count the nucleotides, and find the maximum occurring nucleotide. Answer the maximum occurring nucleotide, not the count.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
A A True trajectory
11 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/transcribe_translate_amino_acid_length Transcribe the DNA sequence 'AGCTAGCGTA' to mRNA, translate it to an amino acid sequence, and determine the length of the amino acid sequence.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
4 4 True trajectory
12 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/reverse_transcribe_palindrome_check Reverse transcribe the mRNA sequence 'AUGCGU' to DNA, and count the nucleotides in the DNA sequence.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
{'T': 1, 'A': 2, 'C': 2, 'G': 1} {'T': 1, 'A': 2, 'C': 2, 'G': 1} True trajectory
13 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/validate_find_longest_valid_sequence Given the DNA sequences ['AGCTAG', 'XYZABC', 'GTCAGT'], check which are valid and find the longest valid DNA sequence.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
AGCTAG AGCTAG True trajectory
14 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/transcribe_translate_find_amino_acid Transcribe the DNA sequence 'AGCTAGCGTA' to mRNA, translate it to an amino acid sequence, and check if 'Methionine' is in the amino acid sequence. Answer 'True' or 'False'.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
False False True trajectory
15 cryptobotanists_plant_dna_sequencer/find_most_common_nucleotide_combined_sequence Combine the DNA sequences ['AGCT', 'CCGA', 'TTAG'] and find the most common nucleotide in the combined sequence.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
A (A, 3) False trajectory
16 trade_calculator/estimate_final_value Estimate the final trade value for a price of 150 units with a tariff of 7.5 units.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
161.25 161.25 True trajectory
17 trade_calculator/interstellar_trade_transaction Calculate the final trade value for an intergalactic trader who is exchanging 100 units of space ore. The base price per unit is 50 galactic credits, the conversion rate to local currency is 1.5, and the trade tariff rate is 8%. Provide the final trade value in local currency.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
8100.0 8100.0 True trajectory
18 trade_calculator/taxed_commodity_export An intergalactic trader is exporting 200 units of a rare mineral. The base price per unit is 120 galactic credits. The conversion rate today is 2.0 for converting galactic credits to the universal trade currency (UTC). The tariff rate for exporting this mineral is 5%. Calculate the total cost including tariff in UTC.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
50400.0 50400.0 True trajectory
19 trade_calculator/best_trade_route_selection An intergalactic trader is analyzing multiple trade routes to sell a cargo of 500 units of space spices. There are three routes available with different conversion rates and tariff rates as follows: Route 1: Conversion rate of 1.3 and tariff rate of 7%, Route 2: Conversion rate of 1.4 and tariff rate of 9%, Route 3: Conversion rate of 1.2 and tariff rate of 4%. Find the least final trade value after applying conversion and tariff and answer that value.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
624.0 624.0 True trajectory
20 trade_calculator/most_profitable_conversion_rate A trader has access to different currency markets to convert 1000 units of a high-value liquid commodity. The conversion rates available are 2.5, 2.3, and 2.7. The commodity has a fixed base price of 300 galactic credits per unit. However, a fixed tariff of 10% applies in all markets. Determine the final trade value with the most profitable conversion rate. Answer that value.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
891000.0 891000.0 True trajectory
21 trade_calculator/bulk_trade_quantity_discount An intergalactic merchant is offering a bulk discount for a purchase of 2000 units or more of mechanized labor robots. The base price per unit is 1500 galactic credits. For purchases of 2000 units or more, a 5% discount is applied. The conversion rate is 1.8 and the tariff rate is 12%. Calculate the total cost after discount, conversion, and tariff for a trade of 2500 units.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
7182000.0 7182000.0 True trajectory
22 trade_calculator/comparative_profit_analysis Analyze the profit margins for selling two different commodities in an intergalactic market. The first commodity has a base price of 100 credits per unit, a conversion rate of 1.6, a tariff rate of 6%, and a quantity of 300 units. The second commodity has a base price of 80 credits per unit, a conversion rate of 1.8, a tariff rate of 5%, and a quantity of 500 units. Determine the maximum final trade values among these commodities.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
75600.0 75600.0 True trajectory
23 trade_calculator/fluctuating_conversion_rates_impact Evaluate how fluctuating conversion rates impact the trade value of a commodity. The commodity has a base price of 200 credits per unit and a tariff rate of 7%. Assess the final trade values for quantities of 100, 150, and 200 units at conversion rates of 1.7, 1.5, and 1.6 respectively. Provide your answer as a list of three values, separated by commas. Example: 'Answer: [1000, 2000, 3000]'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
[36380.0, 48150.0, 68480.0] [36380.0, 48150.0, 68480.0] True trajectory
24 trade_calculator/optimal_trade_route_multiple_commodities A trader needs to select the most profitable trade route for three different commodities. Commodity 1: 150 units at 200 credits per unit, conversion rate 1.7, tariff rate 8%. Commodity 2: 250 units at 300 credits per unit, conversion rate 1.5, tariff rate 5%. Commodity 3: 100 units at 400 credits per unit, conversion rate 2.0, tariff rate 10%. Calculate the final trade value for each commodity and answer the highest value.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
118125.0 118125.0 True trajectory
25 trade_calculator/seasonal_price_fluctuation_impact Assess the impact of seasonal price fluctuations on trade value. A trader is dealing with a commodity whose base price varies seasonally: 200 credits in summer, 250 credits in autumn, 180 credits in winter. The quantity is 200 units, the conversion rate is 1.8, and the tariff rate is 7%. Calculate the final trade values for each season and list them in the order of summer, autumn, winter.Example: 'Answer: [1000, 2000, 3000]'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
[77040.0, 96300.0, 69336.0] [77040.0, 96300.0, 69336.0] True trajectory
26 trade_calculator/balancing_multiple_trade_offers A trader has to balance multiple trade offers to maximize profit. Offer 1: Sell 300 units at 250 credits per unit, conversion rate 1.6, tariff rate 6%. Offer 2: Buy 150 units at 220 credits per unit, conversion rate 1.5, tariff rate 4%. Determine the net profit or loss by subtracting the total cost of Offer 2 from the total revenue of Offer 1.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
75720.0 75720.0 True trajectory
27 trade_calculator/dynamic_pricing_strategy A trader is considering a dynamic pricing strategy for a commodity with a base price of 300 credits per unit. The strategy involves adjusting the price based on market demand: increase by 10% in high demand and decrease by 5% in low demand. Analyze three scenarios - high demand (120 units), normal demand (100 units), and low demand (80 units) with a constant conversion rate of 1.8 and a tariff rate of 6%. Calculate the final trade value for each scenario. Provide your answer as a list of three values, separated by commas.Example: 'Answer: [1000, 2000, 3000]'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
[75556.8, 57240.0, 43502.4] [75556.8, 57240.0, 43502.4] True trajectory
28 trade_calculator/quantity_tariff_tradeoff A trader faces a trade-off between selling more units at a higher tariff rate or fewer units at a lower tariff rate. Option 1: Sell 200 units at a tariff rate of 10%, Option 2: Sell 150 units at a tariff rate of 5%. The base price per unit is 400 credits, and the conversion rate is 1.7. Determine the final trade value for each option and identify the more profitable option.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
{'Option 1': 149600.0, 'Option 2': 107100.0, 'More Profitable Option': 'Option 1'} 149600.0 False trajectory
29 trade_calculator/optimizing_bulk_purchase_discounts A trader can benefit from bulk purchase discounts: 5% off for orders of 1000 units or more. Evaluate two commodities: Commodity A (base price 150 credits per unit) and Commodity B (base price 180 credits per unit). Assess the final trade value for purchasing 950 units and 1050 units of each commodity, with a conversion rate of 1.6 and a tariff rate of 7%.Determine the maximum final trade value among the four options.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
307389.6 307389.6 True trajectory
30 trade_calculator/currency_fluctuation_hedging A trader needs to hedge against currency fluctuations for an impending trade. The trade involves 500 units of a commodity at 250 credits per unit. Assess the final trade value under three different conversion rates - 1.5, 1.65, and 1.8, with a constant tariff rate of 8%. Identify the minimum final trade value among the three options.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
202500.0 202500.0 True trajectory
31 trade_calculator/variable_tariff_profit_maximization A trader is exploring profit maximization strategies with variable tariff rates. The commodity price is 300 credits per unit. Compare three selling strategies: 400 units with a 6% tariff, 350 units with a 4% tariff, and 450 units with a 7% tariff. The conversion rate is fixed at 1.7. Determine the maximum final trade value among the three options.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
245565.0 245565.0 True trajectory
32 trade_calculator/long_term_vs_short_term_trade_decisions Evaluate long-term versus short-term trade decisions. A trader can sell a commodity either now or wait a month for potentially better prices. Current scenario: sell 600 units at 200 credits per unit, conversion rate 1.8, tariff 5%. Potential future scenario: sell the same quantity at a 10% higher price, but face a 2% increase in tariff and a 0.2 decrease in conversion rate. Calculate and compare the final trade values for both scenarios. Provide your answer as a list of two values in order of [current, future scenario], separated by commas. Example: 'Answer: [1000, 2000]'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
[226800.0, 225984.00000000006] [226800.0, 225984.0] True trajectory
33 travel_itinerary_planning/plan_trip_to_0 You are at "E". Plan a trip to "A" on 2023-12-25, staying in a hotel with wifi and a pool for 5 nights. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
1050 1050 True trajectory
34 travel_itinerary_planning/cheapest_new_york_trip You are at "E". Find the cheapest flight and hotel combination for a trip to "B" on 2023-11-10 for 3 nights. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
615 615 True trajectory
35 travel_itinerary_planning/luxury_tokyo_trip You are at "E". Plan a luxury trip to "C" on 2023-10-05, staying in the highest-rated hotel for 7 nights. Always choose the cheaper flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
1370 1370 True trajectory
36 travel_itinerary_planning/budget_trip_to_paris You are at "E". Plan a budget trip to "A" on 2023-12-25, staying in the cheapest available hotel for 4 nights. Always choose the cheaper flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
650 650 True trajectory
37 travel_itinerary_planning/new_york_trip_with_specific_preferences You are at "E". Plan a trip to "B" on 2023-11-10, staying in a hotel with a gym but without a pool for 3 nights. Always choose the cheaper flight and hotel. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
615 615 True trajectory
38 travel_itinerary_planning/london_business_trip You are at "E". Find the most economical flight and hotel for a business trip to "D" on 2023-08-15 for 4 nights, with only a wifi requirement. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
{'flight': {'from_location': '"E"', 'to_location': '"D"', 'date': '2023-08-15', 'price': 400}, 'hotel': None, 'total_budget': None} 920 False trajectory
39 travel_itinerary_planning/last_minute_tokyo_trip You are at "E". Organize a last-minute trip to "C" on 2023-12-01 for 3 nights in any available hotel. Always go with the cheaper hotel and flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
865 865 True trajectory
40 travel_itinerary_planning/new_york_holiday_season You are at "E". Plan a holiday trip to "B" on 2023-12-15, preferring a hotel with a gym and pool, for 7 nights. Always go with the cheaper hotel and flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
1480 1480 True trajectory
41 travel_itinerary_planning/multi_city_business_trip You are at "E". Plan a multi-city business trip: first to "B" on 2023-11-10 for 2 nights, then to "C" on 2023-11-13 for 3 nights. Choose hotels with wifi. Always go with the cheaper hotel and flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
1050 1050 True trajectory
42 travel_itinerary_planning/leisure_multi_city_trip You are at "E". Plan a leisure multi-city trip: first to "A" on 2023-12-25 for 3 nights, then to "D" on 2023-12-28 for 2 nights. No specific hotel preferences. Always go with the cheaper hotel and flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
1110 1110 True trajectory
43 travel_itinerary_planning/three_city_european_tour You are at "E". Plan a three-city European tour starting from "E" to "A" on 2023-12-25 (3 nights), then going to "D" on 2023-12-29 (4 nights), and finally to "C" on 2024-01-02 (3 nights). Choose hotels with wifi in each city. Always go with the cheaper flight and hotel. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
2195 2195 True trajectory
44 travel_itinerary_planning/adventure_trip Plan an adventure trip starting from "E" to "C" on 2023-12-01 (2 nights), then going to "B" on 2023-12-03 (3 nights), and finally to "D" on 2023-12-06 (2 nights). In "C", prefer a hotel with a pool; in "B", any hotel; in "D", a hotel with a gym. Always go with the cheaper flight and hotel. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
2200 2200 True trajectory
45 travel_itinerary_planning/cultural_exploration_tour Plan a cultural exploration tour starting from "E" to "A" on 2023-12-25 (4 nights), then going to "B" on 2023-12-29 (2 nights), and finally to "D" on 2024-01-01 (3 nights). Choose hotels with wifi in each city. In "D", prefer a hotel with a high rating. Always go with the cheaper flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
2305 2305 True trajectory
46 travel_itinerary_planning/leisure_and_business_combo Plan a combination of leisure and business trip starting from "E" to "D" on 2023-08-15 (3 nights) for business, then going to "A" on 2023-08-18 (2 nights) for leisure, and finally to "C" on 2023-08-20 (2 nights) for business. For business stays, prefer hotels with wifi and gym; for leisure, prefer hotels with a pool. Always go with the cheaper flight and hotel. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
1851 1851 True trajectory
47 travel_itinerary_planning/grand_tour_vacation Plan a grand tour vacation starting from "E" to "C" on 2023-12-01 (2 nights), then to "D" on 2023-12-03 (3 nights), followed by a visit to "B" on 2023-12-06 (2 nights), and finally to "E" on 2023-12-08 (3 nights). Choose hotels with a high rating in each city. Always go with the cheaper flight. Give me the total budget for the trip.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
3295 3295 True trajectory
48 web_browsing/price_of_legendary_wand Using the web browser find the current price of Legendary Wand.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
68.71 68.71 True trajectory
49 web_browsing/price_of_legendary_potion Using the web browser find the current price of Legendary Potion.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
82.93 82.93 True trajectory
50 web_browsing/price_of_legendary_spellbook Using the web browser find the current price of Legendary Spellbook.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
181.45 181.45 True trajectory
51 web_browsing/price_of_legendary_crystal_ball Using the web browser find the current price of Legendary Crystal Ball.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
130.84 130.84 True trajectory
52 web_browsing/email_of_allison_hill Using the web browswer find the email of Allison Hill.
Answer in the format of 'xxx@xxx.xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
allison.hill@taylor.net allison.hill@taylor.net True trajectory
53 web_browsing/email_of_meredith_barnes Using the web browswer find the email of Meredith Barnes.
Answer in the format of 'xxx@xxx.xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
meredith.barnes@lawrence-pacheco.com meredith.barnes@lawrence-pacheco.com True trajectory
54 web_browsing/email_of_kimberly_dudley Using the web browswer find the email of Kimberly Dudley.
Answer in the format of 'xxx@xxx.xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
kimberly.dudley@miller-carter.org kimberly.dudley@miller-carter.org True trajectory
55 web_browsing/email_of_henry_santiago Using the web browswer find the email of Henry Santiago.
Answer in the format of 'xxx@xxx.xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
henry.santiago@zuniga.com henry.santiago@zuniga.com True trajectory
56 web_browsing/department_of_allison_hill Using the web browser find the department of Allison Hill.
Answer in the format of 'xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Engineering Team Engineering True trajectory
57 web_browsing/department_of_meredith_barnes Using the web browser find the department of Meredith Barnes.
Answer in the format of 'xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Engineering Team Engineering True trajectory
58 web_browsing/department_of_kimberly_dudley Using the web browser find the department of Kimberly Dudley.
Answer in the format of 'xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Engineering Team Engineering True trajectory
59 web_browsing/department_of_henry_santiago Using the web browser find the department of Henry Santiago.
Answer in the format of 'xxx'
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Marketing Marketing True trajectory
60 web_browsing/phone_number_of_allison_hill Using the web browser find the phone number of Allison Hill.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
+1-800-MAGICWAND 296-500-1338 False trajectory
61 web_browsing/phone_number_of_meredith_barnes Using the web browser find the phone number of Meredith Barnes.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
001-626-254-2351x16155 001-626-254-2351x16155 True trajectory
62 web_browsing/phone_number_of_kimberly_dudley Using the web browser find the phone number of Kimberly Dudley.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
(993)710-3413x164 (993)710-3413x164 True trajectory
63 web_browsing/phone_number_of_henry_santiago Using the web browser find the phone number of Henry Santiago.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage.
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
+1-232-576-4835 +1-232-576-4835 True trajectory
64 web_browsing/expertise_of_allison_hill Using the web browser find the expertise of Allison Hill.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage (e.g., A/B).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Wand/Spellbook Wand/Spellbook True trajectory
65 web_browsing/expertise_of_meredith_barnes Using the web browser find the expertise of Meredith Barnes.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage (e.g., A/B).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Spellbook/Wand Spellbook/Wand True trajectory
66 web_browsing/expertise_of_kimberly_dudley Using the web browser find the expertise of Kimberly Dudley.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage (e.g., A/B).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Potion/Wand Potion/Wand True trajectory
67 web_browsing/expertise_of_henry_santiago Using the web browser find the expertise of Henry Santiago.
Answer in the same format as displayed in the webpage (e.g., A/B).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
Wand/Spellbook Wand/Spellbook True trajectory
68 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_0 Using the web browser find the total price of [Legendary Wand, Enchanted Potion, Magical Spellbook].
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
0 264.38 False trajectory
69 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_1 Using the web browser find the total price of [Mystical Crystal Ball, Rare Crystal Ball, Magical Spellbook].
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
327.50 327.5 True trajectory
70 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_2 Using the web browser find the total price of [Ancient Wand, Mystical Wand, Enchanted Potion].
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
380.42 380.42 True trajectory
71 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_3 Using the web browser find the total price of [Mystical Crystal Ball, Rare Crystal Ball, Magical Spellbook, Mystical Potion].
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
488.19 468.86 False trajectory
72 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_after_discount_0 Using the web browser find the total price of [Legendary Wand, Enchanted Potion, Magical Spellbook] after applying a 10% off discount on the total price.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
237.94 237.94 True trajectory
73 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_after_discount_1 Using the web browser find the total price of [Mystical Crystal Ball, Magical Spellbook] after applying a 10% off discount on the total price.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
245.56 228.16 False trajectory
74 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_after_discount_2 Using the web browser find the total price of [Ancient Wand, Enchanted Potion] after applying a 10% off discount on the total price.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
248.92 248.92 True trajectory
75 web_browsing/total_price_of_selected_items_after_discount_3 Using the web browser find the total price of [Ancient Crystal Ball, Rare Wand] after applying a 10% off discount on the total price.
Answer in the format of 'xx.xx' (e.g., 12.34).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
202.95 203.09 False trajectory
76 web_browsing/people_in_sales Using the web browser find how many people are in the Sales Department?
Answer in the format of 'xx' (e.g., 9).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
4 4 True trajectory
77 web_browsing/people_in_customer_support Using the web browser find how many people are in the Customer Support Department?
Answer in the format of 'xx' (e.g., 9).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
6 6 True trajectory
78 web_browsing/match_phone_number_to_person_thomas_ramos Using the web browser find which person's phone number is 432-867-7360?
Answer the person's name (e.g., John Smith).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
None Thomas Ramos False trajectory
79 web_browsing/match_phone_number_to_person_james_house Using the web browser find which person's phone number is +1-972-434-3098x05009?
Answer the person's name (e.g., John Smith).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
None James House False trajectory
80 web_browsing/match_phone_number_to_person_jordan_york Using the web browser find which person's phone number is (719)639-9091x6998?
Answer the person's name (e.g., John Smith).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
None Jordan York False trajectory
81 web_browsing/match_phone_number_to_person_mike_allen Using the web browser find which person's phone number is 310-579-9118x38425?
Answer the person's name (e.g., John Smith).
Save the final answer in the variable `final_answer`.
None Mike Allen False trajectory